Update: 09-03-24

AI Innovation Super Cycle    Issachar Update: Issachar is nearly 100% invested, with plans to invest fully this week as market makers (more liquidity) return from vacation. Gold is our heaviest weight, about 17%. We have decent exposure to the utility and software sectors, expecting to benefit from the AI innovation super cycle. Software stocks that utilize AI should do well in the next five-year AI build-out. AI computing generates heat that must be cooled, demanding more electricity from utility companies. The dominant AI stocks that have carried higher indexes have been digesting gains while the broader market picks up momentum. Indexes are trading near all-time highs, and the bull market rally is broadening to small and mid-cap stocks we own. I am more bullish today than last week. (There is no guarantee that any investment will achieve its objectives, generate positive returns, or avoid losses.)

Market Update: The markets believe there is a 70% probability of a 25bps Fed rate cut on September 18th, so this may be a “buy the rumor and sell the news” event. However, short-term declines may be used to “buy the dip” and “ride the wave” higher. Home builders, junk bonds, brokerages, and retail stocks are under accumulation, indicating we are NOT headed for a recession. The consumer does not appear worried about the future, so enjoy the ride.

The dollar should continue to weaken due to lower expected rates and more government spending. The Fed is monetizing our $35 trillion of debt (creating money to buy Treasuries), which puts more dollars in circulation, making each dollar worth less (inflation). Inflation is a hidden tax that hits all consumers. Congress is afraid to address the elephant in the room (deficit spending) because they benefit from pork bills that get them reelected. The elephant will get bigger until we elect fiscally responsible people willing to address deficit spending, which gets added to our $35 trillion national debt. One day, the market will focus on our unsustainable massive debt, which will likely cause life-changing losses. That is why managing risk and position sizing are paramount to achieving long-term financial goals.

Bottom line: I expect to buy about 8% more growth stocks this week to be fully invested. Strong liquidity (panic low V-bottom recovery) in banks, brokerages, and home-building stocks are discounting lower rates. Lower rates weaken the dollar, which should be good for stocks and gold. Junk bonds are trending higher, indicating investors’ appetite for risk assets. Breath is broadening away from the mega-tech leaders, a healthy sign as smaller stocks play “catch up.” Fear, doubt, and uncertainty crept into the crypto market as the post-halving Bitcoin rally failed to materialize. The Ethereum ETF is down about 40%, and Bitcoin is down about 20% from highs, so liquidity seems to be flowing away from crypto. Gold is the #2 reserve asset among Central Banks around the globe, around 17% vs. the #3 asset, the Euro, around 16%. China paid about 80% of the Trump tariffs, so we can’t blame inflation on tariffs. We spend more because things cost more; we do not earn more, so we borrow more. We have a Goldilocks economy, for now. Grace & Peace to Everyone!

In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6  

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