Update: 08-19-24

Goldilocks Strong Retail Sales = No Recession! 

Issachar Update: Issachar is fully invested in a diverse group of growth stocks with about 10% in a gold/commodity ETF. I like how the market recovered from the panic Monday sell-off two weeks ago, so I took action to get in sync with the new uptrend. This v-bottom rally resembles the Fed’s quantitative easing (QE) in 2020 when they flooded the market with liquidity to stave off a recession. The market was concerned about a recession, but the Goldilocks’ strong retail sales changed the market narrative. The market is pricing in a 50bps September Fed rate cut so investors are coming off the money market sidelines to ride the market wave higher. The market responds favorably to lower rates, and the Fed will likely reduce rates again after September. (There is no guarantee that any investment will achieve its objectives, generate positive returns, or avoid losses.)

Market Update: Investor’s Business Daily has found that all uptrends are preceded by a Follow Through Day (FTD). An FTD is a 1% or more index gain on greater volume at least four days after a bottom. The market produced two FTDs on 8/6/and 8/8, a very bullish sign of institutional accumulation. When big money enters the market, it leaves big footprints in the sand and a FTD happens when an elephant sits in a bathtub. Big/smart money cannot turn on a dime or jump in all at once. They buy over days, weeks, and months, and they are in buy mode after a robust retail sales report. The market believed low-end consumers with maxed-out credit would cause retail sales to slow. However, Walmart gapped up to an all-time high on better-than-expected sales, earnings, and corporate guidance, and then the market switched from fear to greed.

Gold and gold-stock fundamentals and charts look very compelling in this inflationary phase. Inflation rates may have come down, but prices are still relatively high. Just because someone only gained three pounds last month after gaining ten pounds for twelve consecutive months does not mean they are losing weight. Investors invest in growth stocks and hard assets to stay ahead of inflation against a dollar devaluation due to excess money printing. Until Congress addresses its spending problem, inflation will continue to increase because the Fed will continue to monetize the debt, which will cause the dollar’s purchasing power to decline.

Bottom line: Issachar is all-in and expecting the rally to continue as the Fed begins its lower-rate phase. The market believes a Goldilocks soft-landing is in the cards as sideline investors put money to work. The yen carry-trade unwind two Mondays ago, and recession fears shook out weak hands as fear caused the S&P 500 to drop over 8% but quickly v-bottom recovered about 7%. The market is headed higher despite the $35 trillion of debt no one wants to discuss. Let’s ride the wave while it lasts. Managing risk is essential because Congress can’t kick the can down the road forever. There will be a day of reconning. Grace & Peace to Everyone!

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

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