Update: 07-08-24

Issachar Update: We’re fully invested in fundamentally sound growth stocks with constructive chart patterns. Our stocks have accelerating earnings and sales and raised analysts’ earnings estimates. If a company earns $1 today and is expected to earn $10 in the future, the stock price should reflect a higher valuation. I invest in stocks with superior future earnings potential to stay ahead of inflation because inflation is a hidden tax that impacts all consumers. Long-term investing is all about future expected earnings and profit potential since yesterday’s earnings are history. If you invest in Issachar, I will treat your money like mine because all my investable assets are there. I have learned valuable risk management lessons in the last 34 years and want to share them with you. I am bullish on America, and the AI revolution is just beginning. Please consider adding to your current Issachar position or opening a new account at Schwab, Fidelity, or Direct like I do. (There is no guarantee that any investment will achieve its objectives, generate positive returns, or avoid losses.)

Market Update: The S&P 500 and NASDAQ indexes are at all-time highs as more money comes off the sidelines to join the AI revolution that is changing the world. The monthly jobs report came in weak last Friday, paving the way for the Fed to lower rates before the November election. Interest rates, regional banks, housing stocks, and the dollar dropped while gold rallied on the weak jobs report, which could mean inflation is still a problem. Slow growth and inflation are a recipe for stagflation; that is where we are.

We assume the big players/money were at the beach for the 4th of July holiday, and they will want to join the party, investing new money into the leaders. The Russel 2000 (small) and Mid-Cap indexes have not been participating in the rallies, so I assume smart money will continue to flow into stocks expected to benefit from the AI boom.

Bottom line: Issachar is fully invested in growth stocks, which I believe will benefit from the AI revolution sweeping the globe. Powell will speak to Congress after the CPI release on Tuesday, which could provide a path to lower rates. The big-cap, most liquid tech stocks have been leading the indexes higher, which is not bad. When stocks do not want to decline, and a rising tide ensues, many boats/stocks will be lifted higher. Let’s enjoy the wave while it lasts because there will be another bear market where we will go on defense. Grace & Peace to Everyone!

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Issachar Fund. This and other important information about the Fund are contained in the Prospectus, obtained by calling 1-866-787-8355 or visiting IssacharFund.com. The Prospectus should be read carefully before investing. The Issachar Fund is distributed by Northern Lights Distributors, LLC., a member of FINRA/SIPC. Horizon Capital Management Inc. (HCM) is not affiliated with Northern Lights Distributors, LLC.

Important Risk Information: Mutual Funds involve risks, including the possible loss of principal. An investment in the Fund may not be appropriate for all investors. The Fund may hold cash positions when the Adviser feels that the market is not producing returns greater than the short-term cash investments in which the Fund may invest. There is a risk that the sections of the market in which the Fund invests will begin to rise or fall rapidly, and the Fund will not be able to sell stocks quickly enough to avoid losses or reinvest its cash positions into areas of the advancing market quickly enough to capture the initial returns of changing market conditions. The Adviser’s judgment about the attractiveness, value, and potential appreciation of particular asset classes and securities in which the Fund invests may prove incorrect and may not produce the desired results. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Ratings are only one form of Fund performance and should not be used as the sole consideration in an investment decision. Opinions expressed are subject to change, not guaranteed, and should not be considered investment advice. There is no assurance these opinions or forecasts will come to pass, and past performance is no assurance of future results. For more information regarding the Fund, including current performance, please visit

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Dexter Lyons, Portfolio Manager
Issachar Fund (LIONX & LIOTX)
[email protected]
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