BRI Screens
The Issachar Fund is committed to the Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) movement by investing in companies that honor God. We want to be good stewards of all blessings and give Him all the glory. We are proud to partner with Inspire, a leading faith-based BRI screen provider to ensure we are investing in companies with positive BRI scores and avoiding companies with negative scores due to problematic issues. To accomplish this, we use the Inspire Impact Score methodology to screen the Issachar Fund.

Step 1.
Every company starts with zero points
Step 2.
Exclusionary screens are applied to companies which operate at odds with biblical values. Negative points are assigned to the impact score if any violations are found. These companies are always excluded from investment.
Step 3.
Companies with no negative violations are then positively scored across nine categories based on how they operate as blessings to their customers, communities, workforce and the world. Positive points are assigned based on the extent to which the company has above average scores in those positive categories.
Companies are scored on a scale between -100 and +100, with scores above zero representing better alignment with biblical values. Issachar only invests in companies with scores of zero or higher, making Issachar a Biblically Responsible Investing Fund .
Positive Screens
Points are awarded for above average “best in class” practices in the following areas.
Negative Screens
Companies with exposure to any of the following issues will always score below zero and are excluded from investment.