Update: 09-16-24

Offense: Bulls Have the Ball!       Issachar Update: Issachar is on offense as the market had an upside expectation breaker on Wednesday. Inflation reports came in hotter than expected Wednesday; the market sold off hard and then reversed higher. This outside reversal day is a sign the Bulls have the ball and are ready to score some points. We are about 70% invested in growth stocks and gold. My highest conviction is in gold as an inflation hedge and insurance against a declining dollar. Inflation is not going away, and Congress can’t stop spending, so gold’s “store of value” helps our bottom line. (There is no guarantee that any investment will achieve its objectives, generate positive returns, or avoid losses.)

Market Update: The PPI & CPI inflation numbers were hot, but the market reaction was positive. The CPI would be higher, but oil is near $68/barrel, a 20-year low and 50% lower than in the 2008 Financial Crisis. The yen carry trade unwind may cause oil to drop further as the yen advances against the dollar.

The market is betting the Fed will surrender, throw in the inflation towel, and keep lowering rates to revive a slowing economy. The Fed created inflation by printing too much “free” money, and now they will try to put out the fire by lowering rates, creating more inflation. Cutting rates may be a catalyst for an inflation surge. Inflation is the biggest involuntary tax on everyone, and politicians keep spending money to get more votes. Eventually, there will be a heavy price for deficit and debt overspending, but the market is looking the other way.

The Fed has never started an easing cycle with gold at an all-time high. Gold trades in dollars; lower rates weaken the dollar, which requires more dollars to buy the same amount of gold, causing gold to rise. Easing (lowering rates) causes more inflation, causing gold and the dollar to be negatively correlated. The yen has been up about 15% since 7/10/24 but has been flat for the year, so the recent yen appreciation means the dollar is weakening, causing lots of financial disruptions/consequences.

The government reported a $380 billion deficit for August versus an expectation of $250 billion. The July deficit was $240 billion due to Treasury bonds rolling over at higher rates, so the national debt of $35.3 trillion continues to grow. This works out to be an annualized deficit of $4.56 trillion. Interest on the debt exceeds $1 trillion, which is greater than the Defense budget, so the Fed will print more money and create more inflation. A day of reconning is coming when the debt bubble bursts, but not today.

The Fed was created in 1913, and one dollar back then is worth 3 cents today. One dollar in 2020 is worth 80 cents today. The more money the Fed creates out of thin air, the less it buys. Gold has historically maintained its purchasing power since Jesus walked the earth over 2000 years ago.

Bottom line: Offense: The Bulls have the ball, and the Bears are covering shorts as the S&P 500 approaches an all-time high. The market expects the Fed to cut rates Wednesday, so we will ride the wave higher for now. Stagflation (slow growth with inflation) could be the new normal, but an ugly recession is coming. Higher prices do not translate into higher growth. Inflation is the biggest involuntary tax of all time. Congress’ overspending and the Fed cause inflation to keep rising. The inflation rate may have decreased from 9% to 3%, but prices have not declined. We don’t need a severe recession to bring inflation/prices down. We must elect fiscally responsible representatives to address the 800 lb elephant under the rug. Kicking the can down the road is not the solution. Maybe it is time to buy gold coins as an inflation hedge/insurance against a declining dollar. Grace & Peace to Everyone!

The LORD is my shepherd. I lack nothing. Ps 23:1

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Dexter Lyons, Portfolio Manager
Issachar Fund (LIONX & LIOTX)
[email protected]
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